With every New Year goals are set, diets are started and resolutions are made. We decided to review and list the top 3 diet/nutrition trends of 2020 and provide you insight into the trends we like and why we think they are effective.
1. The Mediterranean Diet
Not only does this rank #1 in healthy diets for weight loss in 2020, but the Mediterranean diet is the basis behind our very popular and very successful ReCode Diet Weight Loss Program .This is a diet low in saturated fats, and processed sugars, and high in fruits, veggies, nuts and healthy fats. The Mediterranean Diet not only helps with fat loss but also has been shown to improve heart and brain health, and help control or prevent diabetes.
Year after year, trend after trend, the Mediterranean Diet comes in at the top of the list for popularity as well as effectiveness. We believe that the combination of healthy foods, vegetable and seafood heavy recipes and healthy fats all wrapped up in a delicious variety of offerings makes this diet easily available to most people but also a great way to institute a long term lifestyle change in eating habits.
- Nutritionally Balanced
- Easy to Follow
- Great for Long Term Weight Loss, & Maintenance
- Heart Healthy
- Easy to Follow
- Clinically Proven